Thursday 10/19/2023

2 rounds For Time:
30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats 55#/35#
30 Step Ups 24"/20"
30 Kettlebell Swings 55#/35#
30 Box Jumps 24"/20" OR Step Ups holding KB

** Athletes can choose between unweighted box jumps or to do step-ups holding the KB in any fashion.

Skills and Drills
Double-Unders: Week 4 Day 1


Now we’re going to work on decreasing the number of single-unders between double-under reps. Your goal in this phase is to find the rhythm of ‘single-double, single-double, single-double…’

Goal Workout:
Complete 20 single-double reps, unbroken
Once you can complete this workout, move on to phase 5.

Note: MANY people get stuck here. It’s easy to think that this is “good enough” because you can finish some double-under workouts with this method. Please do not stay here! The goal is to be able to do unbroken double unders, so you need to make sure you continue with the double under progression all the way to the end!